The biggest challenge I think for all of us is to make sure that this
fire that is raging within us keeps raging for as long as the culprits, who perpetrated such a hideous and inhumane act on the Indian Soul is brought to justice.
We should keep applying the same sort of unrelenting pressure on our politicians and the security agencies handling the investing to make sure that they don't let their guard down.
One lapse on their part could mean that we could be back to square one. Take Pakistan for example, the swiftness of their action was induced more by our vigor to see actions on the ground and our unwavering commitment to see proactive measures against those responsible inside the country, as against Pakistan's sincere willingness to nab these sponsors of terror. This should be reason enough to keep our guard up.
To make sure that the recent action from across the border is not an eyewash and part of well planned delaying tactic from our inhospitable neighbor, it's imperative that we, the citizens of this great nation maintain our vigil, and let them, the people responsible for this, know, that any lethargy or disinterest from their
diplomatic, intelligence or enforcement channels are being closely watched.
It is not only the government agencies of India who are keeping an eye on the developments inside our country and in those countries that harbor antisocial elements with the intention to harm India, it is the people of India, the whole one billion plus of us who have taken it upon ourselves to see that any inaction by those concerned will be reciprocated by our counteraction.
Keep talking, discussing and spreading the word about the way we feel and how important our active participation is for fighting this evil is, which will help us in keeping this flame alive and raging until we see concrete, plausible and long-term results in the life lead.
Some ways that this can be done are:
• Making sure that our government doesn't forget our patience is not
an indication of indifference or a result of a lackadaisical attitude.
• America is a facilitator and not a dictator of any course of action
that we may chose to employ.
• Making sure that all the concerned parties are aware that our
democratic principles are our strength and not a weakness.
• We will not be fooled into thinking that immaterial and
unsubstantial measures will quench our desire to see outcomes.