Working night shifts for a prolonged duration of time can result in various medical conditions which aren’t apparent at the onset. Here's what the Medical experts say.
When you pick up a newspaper or any employment related classified, chances are that most of the jobs in the classified offer either permanent night shifts or rotational shifts. Although these jobs pay well and are an instant draw, youngsters looking to start early and feel the rush of financial independence often neglect the big question. Is their work taking a toll on the most important asset they'll ever own, the body?
The lifestyle dictated by night shift centric job results in many health related ailments. Let's hear from doctors what the causes and effects of these ailments are:-
Dr. Dilipkumar Chandravat, a respected psychiatrist noted that Irregular and unbalanced lifestyle causes multiple psychological problems, including:
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Hyperirritability and Anger
• Mania and Hypomania
“Irregular and unbalance lifestyle can cause or exaggerate multiple psychological problems. Once you disturb your sleep it can disturb your social, professional and personal life, and impedes your thinking process," expressed Dr. Chandravat.
Our eyes have also been a victim of the haphazard and long hours at work. Dr. K S Gupta, an
Eye Specialist stated that, "Youngsters face a number of issues arising out of irregular and unbalance lifestyle. Some of the common complaints are:
• Computer Vision Syndrome
Computer Vision Syndrome is caused by long hours of working in front of the computers, and symptoms include, tiredness, watering, redness, aching in eyes.
• Dry Eye Syndrome
Dry Eye Syndrome is caused by long hours of staring at the PC and forgetting to blink for long durations. So, it is very important to make a habit of looking away from the PC at regular intervals and relaxing your eyes.”
"Apart from impacting you from within, this irregular lifestyles brought on by night shifts can also impact your overall personality and appearance," said Dr. Zamurrud, a Consulting Dietitian. Some of the side effects of a haphazard eating routine include:
• Sudden Rise or Fall in Weight
• Constipation
• Ulcers
• Acidity and Heartburn
• Headaches
"No exercise and unhealthy food may also lead to side effects like hernia as well,” she added.
Dr. Nimish Mehta, a Skin Specialist expressed, ''The current generation is ignorant about their health. They indulge in improper diet, don’t get proper sleep and ignore the importance of water intake and exercise which causes various skin abnormalities."
Some of the effects arising from the undisciplined lifestyle of night shifts are:
• Acne
• Hair fall
• Pimples
"It could even cause skin disorders like Eczema and Psoriasis which is aggregated by improper lifestyle,” added Dr. Mehta.
The affect on teeth is often overlooked when talking about nightshifts and irregular lifestyle.
Dr. Geeta Naik, an expert in dental care highlighted, “Owing to their current lifestyle, today's youngsters indulge in soft drink, eat junk food, and smoke unchecked, which takes a toll on their teeth. Due to which they suffer from gum disorders. Late night sleep or lack of sleep can increase cavity as many don’t brush before bed.”
Some common conditions seen with night shift workers are:
• Tooth Fall and Gingivitis
• Tooth decay, Plaque and Cavities
• Discoloration
• Bad Breath
Although men and women face the same problems, there are some effects which women specific conditions that we see, especially relating to pregnancy.
"Lack of proper sleep, work load and job related pressures can result in complication in conceiving a baby. They could even have a premature baby or a child may be weak boned. They could also face bleeding, fluctuation in blood pressure, backaches and leg pain. Pregnant woman needs at least eight hours sleep which they don’t, which increases the chances of abortion,” highlighted Dr. Sunita Prasad, a Gynecologist.
Dr. Agrawal, an ENT Specialist of Pikale hospital in Mahim put forth some lesser known ailments effecting night shift employees, including:
• Sleep disturbance
• Vocal Fatigue/Hoarseness
• Soreness and Tenderness of Pinna (Over use of headphone)
• Ear Infections
Some quick fixes to these ailments include:
• Drinking plenty of water
• Taking periodic rest
• Avoiding Tobacco and Caffeine
• Using separate set of headphones
Additional References: The Economic Time
good one! Agreed, night shift or as the luke kenny fans call the graveyard shift is one major step to destruction. One needs to go according to the sun's timings (as told by my father). But for many night shift is their source for bread n butter. It's imp to take care of one's health.
Informative!... keep up... n try 2 give up ur nocturnal existence too! hhaha
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Hey dude that was nice piece of shit you have written man. I totally agree with you,i believe that i am a living example of an adversely affected due to night shifts. I have been working nights for about 9 years now, although i have enjoyed my financial independence in the beginning, now i am living with side effects. My vitamin D level has reduced drastically, i have become very grouchy and experience terrible mood swings, and the saddest part is that i keep hurting people i love the most ..because we take them for granted. All youngsters please give a second thought before considering those" lucrative BPO jobs" .God Bless
Thanks for the comment Sam. To be honest with you, I suffer from some of the same ailments that you just highlighted. But am trying to move away from it dude. I have to try. Your comment will help a lot more people I am sure buddy. Take care.
I worked many years of nights and shift work. As long as I could manage on 4 days per week I could maintain my health. Once I had to work 5 days and the shift slipped an hour to 12to8 from 11 to 7 I began to lose it. It is three years later and I am slowly recovering my health. I'm retired now but am concerned still about my cognitive ability. I don't sleep long enough and still have anger and behavioral issues. Night shift and shift workers need special care. (fewer hours for the same pay)
Thanks for sharing Sylvia. I wish you recover completely and I hope many more like us take proper care and precautions and avoid any serious damage to their health. But you have certainly shown them a way forward by highlighting it's never too late! Thanks again for sharing!
I work as a prison officer and we are scheduled to work nights several times a year. They consist of seven 12 hour shifts. I just wanted to know if you know why the Prison Service allow this when Nurses/police/fire fighters only work a mandatory of four nights at a time? What effects does this have on an individual as I have heard that after the fourth night you can be suffering with such sleep deprivation that iit is the like being under the influence of alcohol. Is this right? Is there a study that supports this? Best regards Matt
Yes, you are right!! Thanks for sharing!! For any more info, u can consult a doctor!!!
I work 16 hr shifts start at four and quit at around 6:30 plus my drive home and everything you have posted is true facts stay away from nightshift if anyway possible!
Very True. I'm suffering from extreme mood swings, irritability and short-tempered. As someone rightly said, you end up hurting your loved ones as your mind and brain stops to think rationally. Night shift is slow poisoning, as it slowly but firmly kills you physically, mentally and psychologically. This Grave-yard shift is one step forward to the Grave-yard.
Me in same boat, started with a motive of economic independence and now very frustrated, no social life, when in night shifts, have digestion issues, now I realize after going through the comments here that I had bad mood swings which I was unaware of. Trying to get out of 24/7.
Please stay out of 24/7 jobs even if it takes a little longer to find a good job.
good one
I am 20 years old working 5pm to 5am sunday-thursday and usually 8 to 6 more hours on Friday. I have started becoming very depressed then I will go to frustration and anger. I'm in a mechanistic apprenticeship but my happiness and relationship is not worth the $. Good post btw all very true
lack of sunlight can cause a decreased production of melatonin in your body. This regulates sleep, mood,and weight loss/gain. You can buy this enzyme over the counter at any drug store. also sun lamps are available that help the body produce vitamin d and melatonin. I have worked 3rd for eight years and currently use my sun lamp 20-30 mins. a day which greatly increase my mood and energy levels.
I have been doing night shifts straight for more than a year..I am feeling the effects now. Im tired most of the time, can not sleep at all (at best 4 hours a day), have been putting on weight like there is no tommorow....
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