Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Is the fire still raging…..?

It has been one year to that fateful day for our Mumbai the Beloved,
When demons from afar rained death, destruction and pain.

Many promises have since been made so easily trampled,
When fresh blood of sacrifice still ebbed and solemnly rumbled.

Have we let the fire of anger subside and die down?
Have we let the memories of martyrdom wither and drown?

Will we let the guilty hide behind our excuses of politics and religion?
Will we put our egos and pride before our country awaiting her redemption?

Has our tolerance being taken for weakness and ignorance?
Are we going to sit and allow time to provide unholy deliverance?

Is our patience a symbol of our inability to act?
Or has suffering manifested to become a parasitic part?

Let us reignite the passion that could conquer all,
And jolt ourselves into action, both body and soul.

Let the skeptics be reminded we aren’t lying dormant,
Let the believers know that judgment takes all but a moment.

It’s time to renew the pledge to action and our commitment to results,
No matter what, justice is destined and assured without pretense.

Let us be the bricks and mortar on which our nation will be fortified,
To fight of all challenges from evil, let all measures will be justified.

Jai Hind!!


Anonymous said...
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星空夏 said...
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ur writing can touch the world. why dont u write regularly?
