Sunday, May 13, 2012

What I feel for you Mother

Some emotions and feelings are hard to be expressed in mere words,
But still mortals like me persist in great enthusiasm like all believing nerds.

It’s Mother’s Day and I want to express what I currently feel,
Putting thoughts to words that my actions often tend to steal.

Mothers’ are God’s true and maybe it’s only true reflection,
The true harbinger of all heavenly love, care and affection.

I am not spiritual at the best of time which I don’t really repent,
But the force of motherhood is something I vouch for 100 percent.

This power has come to my rescue time and again when I needed it the most,
It has reinforced my faith in the almighty when I resembled a soulless ghost.

I love you more than maybe I could ever convey and perhaps truly express,
But this feeling to let you know what I truly feel is just impossible to suppress.

You mean everything to me and you are the reason of my existence today,
I promise to be devoted to you Mother like a part of your whole every day.

It is from you that I garner my strength, my courage, and conquer my evils,
I am blessed to have you as my guide and friend in need amidst all the upheavals.

My only hope is to make you proud for bringing me into this world so fine,
Give you all you deserve and more as you are my one true proof of the divine.

Happy Mothers’ Day Mom – Love You.

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