Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Excuse them these and help build a sporting culture in India

The sugar in a savory doesn't change or deviate any particular sort,

If a budding sportsperson skips a function to compete in a sport.

The love doesn't shrink from the heart of your kin,
Perhaps she or he is practicing a new mystery spin.

Excuse the budding sporting great for staying away from a picnic,
It will be more useful for them to develop their unperfected technique.

Don’t judge them on the basis they missed so many click,
Their choice today could result in a gold-winning drag-flick.

Don’t berate parents who denied permission for their ward to stay up late,
It could just be there is an important diet to follow or a new regime on their plate.

Perhaps it is not possible to come and attend every group call that came,
Allow them their absence to may be use to perfect their misfiring aim.

I know you are let down that they were not able to celebrate your promotion,
Maybe it is a sign that the last loss hurt and practicing to improve with devotion.

It might be a tragedy that they once again missed your latest sunday brunch,
Or their defence was breached and the result was decided by the last punch.

Maybe they let you down and didn't come personally to return what was borrowed,
Ignore their tardiness as they were busy revisiting the video of when they last throwed.

They must be feeling bitter when they missed visiting you when you were sick,
They must have forgotten in their pursuit to bring glory with a better roundhouse kick.

When you are cheering and rooting for their most elusive medal,
There are many challenges and pitfalls they had to smartly hurdle.

There have been times when they have arrived oh so late,
Slipping and sliding nonetheless, they were honing their ski skate.

There is a reason they consistently miss all the well-planned fun,
Just pardon them as their coach asked a lap more of swim or run.

All the time they look exhausted in their rush to arrive, leave in a hustle, It will all be worth it when you watch and beam in pride when they wrestle.

They indeed may reply in monosyllables as if being Groot,
Some mental visualization and resolve is important when they shoot

To the teachers, I know they missed some of their classes & lecture,
Do allow them their nots for the sake of the larger sporty picture.

Maybe the lack of sleep from the travel became too hard to hide,
Just could be the recovery from the velodrome drill was a tough ride.

There is no telling how our story will continue forward hence,
As a society, we have a role too, and can’t sit on the fence.

Not every potential, talent, or skill will translate to results in every case,
There is more work to embrace to finish fast in this grueling race.

Complainants assemble to quarrel, blame, and curse like bees in a hive,
Let us not jump to conclusions and accept the work needed before the dive.

Remember success is a marathon and not a sprint,
Every win is precious, let alone winning rows that eventually didnt.

There are many barriers to overcome and more to straddle,
It isn't a quick smash but needs for us to rally with every paddle.

Harsh are those who expect the losers to pitifully groveling,
Not everyone has the ability, support, or passion like the hero with a javelin.

Pass this message in words or visuals to every relative, laws, and uncle,
This is a long journey, so pick up your bat, shoes, gloves, etc, for the next sporting cycle.

As unless there is a major departure and a desire for a shift,
We might languish in the average and won't see our medal tally lift. 

#SportingCulture #AthleteLife #Dedication #SportsJourney #PursuitOfExcellence #SupportAthletes #TrainingHard #SportingDreams #AthleteSupport #ChasingGoals #Olympics #IndianSports #YoungTalent #NurtureAthletes #Sportsperson

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