Monday, July 1, 2024

If social media agency scenarios were cult film punch lines

Client - The recent ideations need to be re-looked at:

Social Media Team - 

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Source - Terminator 2: Judgment Day

When copy team leaves with the creatives still pending:

Copywriters to Designers -

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Source - 'May The Force Be With You' - Star Wars

When deadline approaches and the screen pauses:

Designers to Team -

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Source: 'Houston We Have A Problem' - Apollo 13

When no creation is approved the entire day:

The Day -

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Source - 'You Shall Not Pass' - Lord Of The Rings

When you ordered Pasta but the work takes too much time:

The Cool Pasta -

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Source - "Hasta la vista, baby.” - Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

What is the turnaround time on the project during festive season?:

Creative Director -

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Source - "To infinity and beyond!” - Toy Story

When the post was due yesterday?

The Management:

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Source - “I feel the need… the need for speed!” - Top Gun

When the creative is approved in one go?

Visualiser to Artist:

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Source - “You’re a wizard, Harry.” - Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

When you are unsure if any logo design will be approved.

Client Servicing Director:

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Source: “I see dead people.” - The Sixth Sense

When the website goes live.

The lead coder...

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Source - “Are you not entertained?” - Gladiator

When the campaign is finally launched:

Campaign Manager -

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Source - “It’s alive! It’s alive!” - Frankenstein

When client says, well done.

The Illustrator -

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Source - “I’m the king of the world! - Titanic

hashtag#MarketingCreativity #DigitalStrategy #SocialMediaTactics #ContentCreation #ClientManagement #DeadlinePressure #ProjectTurnaround #CreativeInspiration #TeamCollaboration #ClientSatisfaction #CreativeDirectorLife #MarketingCampaigns #WebsiteDevelopment #ClientFeedback #DesignChallenges #ProjectLaunch #CreativeAchievements #CampaignSuccess #ClientAppreciation #CreativeIndustry

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