Monday, July 1, 2024

Stories of Goodness From Clients Igniting Hope and Joy

         When clients have gone above and beyond to help, that has sent a positive ripple of                 kindness tingling from the heart down the spine.

Social media has all sorts of posts and I sense a lot that is negative and vitriolic that leaves the senses jarred.

Today, am sharing some positive memories, some experiences that are my own and some observed from close quarters that will bring a smile to your face, or at least an urge of contemplation of what goodness that is contained in many souls we have overlooked or has been relegated to the back pages of rare recall.

Some that come to mind right away are….

A client once offered to pay months of advances in fees just as it was shared that the concerned agency will be moving offices after appreciating that it calls upon resources that might be stretched or will be handy. This was after no requests or appeals were made or asked for. Showed genuine generosity and a deep respect for the partnership that they shared.

Another time a client offered to be a partner in the business citing the passion and the skill the team has in them, after sensing by growing bigger, their talents can be multiplied and impact more people thereby securing the company and ensuring that the inherent potential of the team can be maximised. Again, no requests were made and the empathetic bigheartedness was borne out of genuine care, which was obvious, and although the offer wasn't taken up, filled the team with passion and drive to do more and keep getting better.

In yet a case of goodwill, the client offered to have a team's office shift to their facility when the latter's office was inundated with water and operations were affected with no respite in insight. There was no compensation sought, duration limited, or inhibitions in the effort it would take. Again, although the operations were back running smoothly in a few days, the kind support instilled a sense of camaraderie and confidence hard to surmise in words.

Another endearing incident happened when one of my peers had gone for a meeting with a client, and due to the many things being juggled in an already occupied mind of an industry professional, her new laptop was left behind in a vehicle hailed some place away. When the panic hit and scramble to find the vehicle gained pace, everything from asking the bystanders, pleading with the watchmen, checking the CCTV, calling some experts who reportedly could help, the client politely consolingly,to amazement, offered to by a new laptop there and then with no questions asked. Those simple words lifted the veil of panic and spurred actions. In the end, the plate number was identified, the vehicle owner traced, the driver’s home found, and a team member of the client went himself to retrieve the laptop. Yes, it was a happy ending, but the gesture will always stay.

I hope you too am left with a sense of pleasantness and have some stories of your own. Do share them.

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