Monday, July 1, 2024

Why Cricket Is Agriclture...

Why is cricket like agriculture, you ask?

Well, too much or too little rain can mess things up,
just like those fickle clouds deciding when to pour.

The seeds, the watering, the type of grass under the intense sun,
every little detail counts, whether you're by the coast or up in the mountains.

Even the mud type, dark, black, brown, or hybrid,
it all matters for that final yield.

And spare a thought for the curator,
like a farmer, crucial but probably the least paid.

Both cricket and farming thrive on care, knowledge, and effort,
but conditions change daily.

Ignore them at your peril; frustration might grow,
but we always come back, grateful when things go well.

No matter how worn out or drained,
the land or the pitch bounces back to give again.

We're thankful, jubilant even, and just maybe, we'll look down at the ground,
giving it a nod of respect, no matter the pain... oh the pain, oh the rain.

hashtagcricket hashtagrain hashtagagriculture hashtagpoem hashtagmonsoon hashtagcovers

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