Monday, May 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Sister!!!!!

You are my sister and you are my pillar of strength,
You are my motivation, my life’s breadth and length.
You have taught me so much sister without knowing,
You have guided me throughout even without saying.
You have always been more mature although you were little,
Guiding your big brothers through times that were tough and brittle.
With you around life is so simple and always a pleasure,
You are clean by heart and your love without any measure.
We fight, we play but you are constantly there by my side,
We have been places and back and together it’s a wonderful ride.
Your cleanliness and patience is something that I cannot compete with,
Even though I disappoint you, you forgive my action as though a myth.
Today is your birthday sister and I would give the world if I could,
I will make good on all promises and I am sure you trust me I would.
Have a great day sister and I wish that all your dreams come true and are surpassed,
May God Bless you with all in his power so kind, so blissful and so endlessly vast.

Happy Birthday Dear! Take Care and God Bless. Love Ya!!!

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